Open International Dialogue

Open International Dialogue (OID) is an international platform based in Berlin, promoting direct dialogue between the disciplines of politics, business, art, culture, sport, education, science and civil society.

OID aims to build bridges, break down prejudices and barriers, and encourage direct dialogue, thus contributing to international understanding. In times of social media and fake news, direct dialogue is more important than ever. This can only succeed when people and experts from all over the world, and from the most diverse disciplines, exchange experiences, take time and engage with each other in open discussions, with mutual respect. Confidentiality is an essential part of our work.

OID is independent, does not belong to any political party or religious group, does not support any interest groups and does not engage in lobbying. OID is an interdisciplinary forum and a think tank, as well as an international meeting place where opinions, thoughts, ideas and visions can be exchanged.

As an independent international forum, OID organises conferences, workshops, seminars, meetings, talks and discussions at embassies, lectures and round tables, as well as cultural events of all kinds, readings and delegation trips. OID not only cooperates with international organisations, but also with universities, research institutions and various associations. OID was founded on the basis of many years of experience in international networking, international diplomacy and cooperation with global institutions as well as intensive cooperation with various foreign embassies in Germany.

Open International Dialogue is financed by membership fees and donations.

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President Open International Dialogue
Dipl. Chem. Christian Grosse
Tucholskystr. 33 , 10117 Berlin
Mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Phone: +49 174 27 26 765